Produse pentru sticlă de oraș (23)



La Horia IXO a été notre tout première création en collaboration avec notre maître brasseur basé en Navarre. La Horia est une bière blonde de style Helles (pâle en allemand) à fermentation basse. Avec sa robe blonde dorée, c'est une bière blonde légère au goût malté qui révèle des arômes floraux et herbacés. C'est une bière de soif, très facile à boire.
Ulei de măsline extra virgin organic Reuza 750 ml - Ulei italian - Măsline Biancolilla și Taggiasca

Ulei de măsline extra virgin organic Reuza 750 ml - Ulei italian - Măsline Biancolilla și Taggiasca

The Reuza Extra Virgin is born from the union between two highly prized Italian cultivars, with rather different effects: the Biancolilla olive and the Taggiasca olive. Extra virgin olive oil · 100% Italian oil – cold extracted · Obtained from Biancolilla olive and Taggiasca olive · Sweet and aromatic, an excellent condiment for salads and crudites, Reuza is a highly selected product: it combines the aromatic notes of the Biancolilla olive with the sweetness of the Taggiasca olive. The result is surprising and very pleasant. The name “Reuza”, Rose in Ligurian dialect, refers to a perfumed oil, just like a flower. The olives are harvested by hand in the months of November and December. The oil extraction is carried out with the utmost care, strictly cold. code:REU .75
Oliba ulei de măsline extravirgin cu polifenoli ecologici 2L

Oliba ulei de măsline extravirgin cu polifenoli ecologici 2L

Polifenolak dituen oliba-olio birjina estra bat da, oliba-olio birjina estra konbentzionalak baino 10 aldiz antioxidatzaile gehiago ematen dituena. Gure olioa olibaetatik zuzenean lortu da, prozedura mekaniko eta hotzeko erauzketaren bidez, iragazi gabe eta dekantazio natural zainduarekin goi-mailako polifenolak ez hondatzeko, Arroniz barietateko olibatik eta heltze une zehatzean zuzenean lortzen da. Bere heltze-egoerarik handiena lortu gabe, usain eta zapore guztiak bere horretan mantentzeko, eta prozedura mekanikoen eta hotz ehotzearen bidez. Iragazi gabe eta dekantazio prozesu natural zaindu baten bidez Arroniz barietateari esker, oliba-polifenolek, hala nola hidroxitirosolak eta oleuropeinak, endekapenezko hainbat patologiaren intzidentzia murrizten laguntzen dute. Odoleko lipidoak estres oxidatibotik babestuz. 159 mg/kg, Oleuropeina 94,1 mg/kg, Tirosol 81,9 mg/kg, Oleocanthal 141 mg/kg. Gordinik kontsumitu


Concepito dall'estro del distillatore, Rum Farol nasce dalla passione per la curiosità di sondare nuovi orizzonti di gusto. Di esclusiva produzione portoghese, Rum Farol è il risultato dei processi naturali della fermentazione e distillazione del succo pressato della canna da zucchero, il cui profilo aromatico è garantito.
Eau de vie

Eau de vie

Irrésistibles céréales c’est le gout authentique des céréales locales. Nous avons brassé, fermenté et distillé le fruit du travail des agriculteurs qui ont labouré et semé en bretagne les variétés sélectionnées. Irrésistibles céréales, c’est la collaboration de la terre à cet exercice
Bere Corona

Bere Corona

Corona Beer ist der Inbegriff von Erfrischung und Geschmack und gilt als bezaubernde Ikone unter den besten Bieren der Welt. Dieses mit beispielloser Kunstfertigkeit hergestellte goldene Elixier fängt mühelos die Essenz entspannter Strandtage ein und webt einen Teppich aus tropischer Glückseligkeit und unbeschwerten Momenten. Mit jedem Schluck entfesselt Corona Beer eine Symphonie von Aromen, die auf Ihren Geschmacksknospen tanzen. Knackige Zitrusnoten und ein Hauch spritziger Limette treffen aufeinander, beleben Ihre Sinne und machen Lust auf mehr. Seine glatte, samtige Textur umhüllt Ihren Gaumen und bietet einen unvergleichlichen Genuss, der sowohl erfreulich als auch befriedigend ist.
Ulei de măsline extravirgin 0,50 L - Pedra Do Olival

Ulei de măsline extravirgin 0,50 L - Pedra Do Olival

Azeite virgem extra obtido da azeitona de tipo cobrançosa e verdial. Acidez muito baixo (< 0.3) Amergura e picante suaves.


Aceite de oliva Virgen Extra español de la máxima calidad envasado en cristal.
Ulei de măsline extravirgin - Fior di Drupa

Ulei de măsline extravirgin - Fior di Drupa

Olio extra vergine di oliva estratto a freddo da cultivar tipiche della Sicilia
Ulei de Măsline Organic - Casa Agrícola Valbom

Ulei de Măsline Organic - Casa Agrícola Valbom

BCN represents Casa Valbom olive oil, a brand that is clearly present in the European market and in the non-EU market. Founded in the late 19th century, Casa Agrícola Valbom has grown in size and technology. Associating ancestral knowledge with modern agricultural techniques in organic production, Casa Agrícola Valbom obtains products of distinction that appeal to aromas and Trás-os-Montes origins. Casa Valbom olive oil is produced in the Carvalho Neto family's farm, situated in Valbom dos Figos. From the junction of the olives verdeal, madural, cobrançosa and negrinha de freixo, results this olive oil with a mild flavor, low acidity and good digestibility. Available Packaging: 250ml (glass bottle) / 500ml (glass bottle) / 750ml (glass bottle) / 1L (glass bottle) / 5L (glass bottle) / 5L (plastic)


Aceite de Oliva Virgen Extra extraído a partir de aceitunas de variedad Picual, excelente por su composición de ácidos grasos y su cantidad de antioxidantes naturales. Su alto contenido en ácido oleico monoinsaturado ayuda a prevenir enfermedades cardiovasculares, además, su bajo contenido en ácido Linoleico y su elevado contenido en polifenoles lo convierten en el aceite más estable que existe, es un aceite maduro de gran cuerpo. En boca es equilibrado en amargor y picor, recordando a la tomatera y a la almendra verde.
Ulei de Măsline Extra Virgin Ecologic - Sticlă de 500ml - Producție proprie - Recolta timpurie - Premium

Ulei de Măsline Extra Virgin Ecologic - Sticlă de 500ml - Producție proprie - Recolta timpurie - Premium

Aceite de Oliva Virgen Extra Ecológico Premium Variedad Picual Cosecha propia Producción Limitada
Ulei de Măsline Extra Virgin Bio Calua - BLEND - Sticlă de 0,50 L

Ulei de Măsline Extra Virgin Bio Calua - BLEND - Sticlă de 0,50 L

Calua Blend nasce dall’unione delle varietà coratina, biancolilla e nocellara del belice con una piccola percentuale di giarratara e cerasuola. Oggi attraverso l’unione di selezionate e differenti qualità di olive si è data vita ad una miscela di estratti di olio extravergine che prende il nome di Calua Blend. Calua Blend mira alla produzione di nuovi sapori e nuovi aromi, attraverso la sapiente scelta delle diverse tipologie di olive che con precise tecniche vengono miscelate fra loro, dando vita a un prodotto finale che possa arricchire l’esperienza sensoriale del consumatore.
Ulei de măsline extra virgin italian de CALITATE SUPERIOARĂ

Ulei de măsline extra virgin italian de CALITATE SUPERIOARĂ

Wir bieten italienisches Olivenöl verschiedener Qualitätsstufen an und in variablen Einheiten, abgestimmt auf die Bedürfnisse des Kunden: Ab 500ml. bis 1000Lt. IBC Container
Ulei de măsline extravirgin 1L - Ulei EVO certificat fructat nou

Ulei de măsline extravirgin 1L - Ulei EVO certificat fructat nou

Olio extra vergine Fruttato Novello, prodotto Siciliano, certificato CT001. Offerto con la bottiglia speciale “Quadra Marasca”. Il Fruttato Novello è prodotto con olive “Nocellara Etnea” coltivate nei terreni di proprietà dell’azienda Cuscunà, che si occupa anche della raccolta a mano ed estrazione a freddo. Il prodotto finale è eccellente e garantito. Inoltre siamo l’unica azienda che offre l’opportunità di adottare un ulivo!
Colonie de Lămâie 80 Grade 150 ml

Colonie de Lămâie 80 Grade 150 ml

The unchanging scent of the holidays, Agarta Lemon Cologne brings the nostalgic breeze you miss to your homes. UPC:AGK-86965444
SPIRITUEUX ARANA - Lichioruri și băuturi spirtoase

SPIRITUEUX ARANA - Lichioruri și băuturi spirtoase

Pour étoffer notre gamme de spiritueux, la maison Egiazki a décidé de travailler sur un Gin aux saveurs du Pays basque en utilisant la prunelle. Une recette permettant d'associer la douceur de la prunelle au caractère tonique de la baie de Genièvre. Cette alliance fruitée donne un Gin très harmonieux : délicat, peu amère, à la fois tonique et frais. A la dégustation, le nez est floral et raffiné, et la bouche marquée par la prunelle. Le Gin Arana vous séduira par son amertume raffinée et ses parfums d'agrumes, d'absinthe et de gingembre.
Ulei de măsline extravirgin Quadro 1 L - Ulei italian - extracție la rece

Ulei de măsline extravirgin Quadro 1 L - Ulei italian - extracție la rece

Il Quadro – our filtered extra virgin olive oil: excellent for all seasoning and cooking needs. Extra Virgin Olive Oil Italian Oil – Cold extracted Calvi “Quadro” Extra Virgin Olive Oil is our filtered extra virgin olive oil, always delicate, as is characteristic of the entire Calvi range. The color is warm yellow, sometimes slightly tinged with green. This product is also available in a 3 liter can. Product label In the 'Attachments' you will find the label with the nutritional data and other information about the product. code:Q 1
Ulei de Măsline Extra Virgin Arzentu 750 ml - Ulei italian - Măsline Peranzana și Taggiasca

Ulei de Măsline Extra Virgin Arzentu 750 ml - Ulei italian - Măsline Peranzana și Taggiasca

The Arzentu Extra Virgin Olive Oil is born from the union between two highly prized Italian cultivars: Oliva Peranzana and Oliva Taggiasca Extra Virgin Olive Oil · 100% Italian Oil – cold extracted · Obtained from Peranzana olive and Taggiasca olive · Excellent condiment for the most delicate dishes Arzentu is a highly selected, gentle and fragrant product that combines the distinctive characteristics of the Taggiasca olive and the Peranzana olive: they are both cultivars that produce very fruity oils: the very sweet Taggiasco, the Peranzana Extra with spicy notes a little more pronounced. The combination is very pleasant. The name “Arzenrtu” Argento in Ligurian dialect refers to a noble product, but with a vibrant note, in its name and flavour. The olives are harvested by hand in the months of November and December. The oil extraction is carried out with the utmost care, strictly cold. code:ARG .75
Ulei de Măsline Extra Virgin Lucinasco Riv. Ligure Dop 500 ml - Riviera Ligure D.o.p. - Ulei italian - 100% măslină Taggiasca

Ulei de Măsline Extra Virgin Lucinasco Riv. Ligure Dop 500 ml - Riviera Ligure D.o.p. - Ulei italian - 100% măslină Taggiasca

Riviera Ligure DOP Extra Virgin Olive Oil – Riviera dei Fiori Italian Oil, 100% Taggiasca Olive – Cold Extracted Lucinasco, located on the top of a hill about 500 m above sea level, is one of the most beautiful towns in the Oneglia Valley. Its olive groves, which extend below the town, are composed exclusively of Taggiasca variety olive trees and are renowned for their particularly happy exposure. They produce olives with a lower yield than other places in the valley, but the quality of their extra virgin olive oil is excellent. Our Riviera Ligure DOP selection is obtained from olives coming from Lucinasco olive groves, pressed to perfection in our oil mill. Cold produced and packaged must (unfiltered) after simple natural decantation. The bottle is wrapped with a sheet of gold paper, which ensures the protection of the product from light. code:DOP .50